Professional Liability.

Professionals including, architects, engineers, design professionals to name a few ranging from individual consultants to event planners all face a similar problem: they can all be sued by clients or other third parties for not providing their services properly or even failing to provide services. Litigation can be very costly and time consuming. Broad insurance coverage is available through GroupOne to defend such claims, and pay relevant settlements. GroupOne can offer both standalone E&O policies for professionals as well as combined E&O and CGL (General Liability) policies with the general liability on an occurrence basis for most miscellaneous professionals.

Target Classes:

  • Architects & Engineers
  • Design & Construction (Bill 124)
  • Consultants – management, telecom, etc.
  • Property Managers
  • Occupational Health & Safety Consultants
  • HR, Recruitment, Staffing Agencies
  • Media – Marketing, Advertising, etc.
  • Technology – IT Consultants, Software developers, etc.
  • Miscellaneous – Tattoo parlours, event planners, therapists, etc.

Coverage Highlights:

  • Worldwide coverage, where permissible by law
  • E&O: $10,000,000 in capacity (CAD)
  • CGL: $10,000,000 in capacity (CAD)
  • Excellent claims service