

Please contact Groupone.

Construction is a class exposed to wide range of risks. Your client can be held responsible for any damage done to the property being worked on or the people working on and near the construction premises. GroupOne’s knowledgeable and skilled underwriting team can write coverage for general contractors, specialty contractors, subcontractors and large practices alike. Do not leave your client liable for the risks associated with small or large construction projects. Protect them with tailor made construction liability coverage from GroupOne.

Coverage Highlights:
Core package of Property, Casualty, Crime and Boiler cover plus comprehensive extensions including:

  • Hook liability
  • Moulds and patterns
  • Installation floater
  • Contents stored in U.S. locations
  • Business property being worked on
  • Catch all endorsement providing increased extension sub-limits
  • Flexible business interruption options
  • Manufacturers product impairment
  • Comprehensive crime coverage
  • Product recall available