Contractor's Property.
Contractor's Property.
At GroupOne, understand the need for contractors to have the right tools and equipment to complete their tasks. The loss of any piece of equipment affects the ability to complete jobs and may cause slowdowns if the equipment is not promptly or easily replaced. GroupOne’s comprehensive products will protect the insured from the cost to replace stolen or damaged equipment and ensure the business’s ongoing financial health. Whether it’s a small tool, logging equipment or other large contractors equipment. GroupOne’s contractor’s equipment coverage ensures your client can replace it as soon as possible. Protect your client’s business with coverage from the skilled and experienced underwriters at GroupOne.
Coverage Highlights:
- Broadform or Named Perils
- Robust property capacity backed by Lloyd’s of London and a variety of domestic carriers
- 10 million liability limits, OL&T and CGL
- Legal Expense
- Cyber
- Boiler
- Large equipment, Tool floater, and Logging equipment