Frequently Asked Questions.

While our products and insurance markets represent what we can offer your insureds, solutions and service are what we offer our broker force. Our brokers are our professional partners; you are the sales force for the products that we offer. Part of the GroupOne philosophy is to work with our brokers to provide quick, effective and flexible solutions that help you to provide the best service to your clients.

Why would a broker use a wholesale insurance intermediary like GroupOne?

A broker would use a company like GroupOne because he does not have the facility to place a risk for his insured with his regular market.

How fast can a broker expect a response for a quote request?

Quotes are handled by our experienced staff as soon as they are received, providing that all the necessary information is supplied by the broker.

How does a broker bind a new or renewal policy?

Simply send by fax 905.305.9884 or 1.877.302.7822 or email to the acting underwriter. For policy renewals please refer to the renewal email sent to you in advance of the policy’s renewal date.

Can GroupOne do stand alone liability?

Yes we can, please contact us at 905.305.9884 or 1.877.302.7822 or email to

What provinces does GroupOne underwrite insurance in?

GroupOne writes insurance in all provinces and territories across Canada, except in Quebec, Nunavut and Yukon.

How do I report a claim?

Complete a notice of loss form including all information related to the claim (Date, details and contact persons name and phone number). Fax: 905.305.9884 or Toll free: 1.877.302.7822 or e-mail For more details refer to claims.